Last year, I was drowning in clutter. The moment it truly hit me was the day before I gave birth to my second son. Past my due date and eager to stay busy and mobile, I wandered into my closet. The stuffiness, the overwhelming excess, and the years of “I’ll wear this when I lose weight” and “I only ...
The Crazy Decluttering Challenge that Saved My Sanity: Declutter 100+ Things
Look, I'll be real with you - my house used to look like a tornado had permanently taken up residence. Mountains of stuff everywhere, drawers bursting at the seams, and closets that were more like black holes of forgotten items. So, right after I had my second baby boy (2 weeks postpartum, to be ...
The Hidden Stress of a Cluttered Home: How Decluttering Isn’t Just About Getting Rid of “Stuff”
Chaos isn't just visual – it's emotional! Did you know that the piles of stuff accumulating in your home might be slowly draining your mental energy? Recent studies reveal that clutter isn't just an aesthetic issue; it's a source of hidden stress that can impact your overall ...